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Showing posts from November, 2020


Earlier articles on Theatrisation    PRICKLES OF THEATRISATION OF COMMANDS @ The Prickles of Theaterisation of Commands By ... - Gunners › 2020/03 › the-prickles-... SHAPES OF THEATRES  @ The COAS says that the process of theatrisation will be deliberate, thoughtful and well considered. I agree with him. It needs to be that way. I also agree with Lt Gen Vinod Bhatia, ex DGMO, who in his article says that theatrisation must transform us into a regional power.    Recent media reports  mention that India is to get five theatre commands by 2022 and there is lot of commotion about it. However if you give a syndicate in the Junior Command course a couple of hours, they will probably spend an hour in general discussion, half an hour trying to understand what theatrisation is all about, discuss possible outlines for fifteen minutes and will mark the map in the last fifteen minutes.    Be

Near Space Surveillance and Beyond by Lt Gen P R Shankar (retd)

This is an article I wrote two years back. After reading through all the literature about the Armenia- Azerbaijan conflict and the on going standoff with China in Eastern Ladakh, I am convinced that we need to expand our horizon of thinking in using the atmosphere for surveillance purposes. This is a new dimension which needs to be considered. I have put across issues as simplistically as possible. This could be the future. We need to strike out on our own. We have the capability to do so. Do we have the will to do so?  The advent and proliferation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAV) enabled commanders to “Look Over the Hill” and kindled “Precision” in firepower delivery. UAVs with their ability to carry out surveillance, acquire targets and direct/deliver firepower accurately heralded a new trend of “One Warhead One Target”. From this trend, the“Hunter Killer” UAV concept came into being. However, the efficacy of sub-stratospheric UAVs is bound by their footprint; which in turn is dictat


THE CHINESE MEDIA SOAP ON ITS THREE CARD TRICK       Ever since my last article on the  Chinese Three Card Trick , there have been a set of events – seemingly unconnected but enough to set me thinking. Things did not jell. I shared my apprehension with Lt Gen Ata Hasnain also. We concluded that one will have to wait and watch without letting our guards down. Then the article from  Taiwan Times  appeared. It explained many things. I may be seeing patterns where none exist. No harm in sharing it and getting it off my chest.    What do I do if I was in a disadvantage and if I were ‘China’ in this logjam? I must get India into discussing my  proposal on my terms. Hence I must create a perception that it would be better for India to negotiate a proposal rather than face escalation of the conflict which they are losing. Hence I put my ‘ Give up Finger 4,Gain Kailash Range, Retain Depsang ’ proposal out. I leak  it out in their media so that the proposal does not look like mine. I refute it p

Pakistan’s Societal Fracture By Lt Gen P R Shankar (R)

Earlier Articles of Similar Genre on Pakistan  Pakistani Insights   A Day in the Life of an Ordinary Pakistani    The New Formula   Dawn in a Dusk in Pakistan   As a nation, Pakistan is a far cry from where it started. Jinnah, had famously said “You are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed—that has nothing to do with the business of the state.” However will Jinnah recognise himself in contemporary Pakistan? These cartoons  says it all .  When you think of Pakistan, images and terms which come to mind are failed state, frontline state, debt ridden, sponsor of terror, nuclear state, radical Islam and CPEC. When you look a little deeper, one finds the problem is deeper. It is a society in denial of their reality. Pakistan is in a state of permanent societal fracture. Every individual, organisation and establishment is living in its own sphere