#Technology is changing at pace as #AI swamps our systems, nature of war and conflict is changing, India has set off a year of reforms in #MOD, #IntegratedTheatreCommands are being ushered in and #IndiaIsRising. A #VikisitBharat is impossible without a #SurakshitBharat. In the light of these developments, Lt Gen Raj Shukla and I discussed in detail the reforms needed in MOD - structurally, financially, technologically. While the need for change is well understood, the attitude seems to be - I WILL NOT CHANGE...RATHER I DO NOT NEED CHANGE...IT IS ONLY THR OTHER MAN WHO NEEDS CHANGE...a sort of I AM OK YOU ARE NOT OK KIND OF A SYNDROME! The biggest reform challenge in MOD will be attitudinal in nature. Can our unique Politico-Bureaucratic-Military compact rise up to the challenge?