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The  Chinese White Paper on Defence , July 2019 (China’s National Defense in the New Era) lays down the following goals :-


Generally, achieve mechanization by 2020 with significantly enhanced     informationization and greatly improved strategic capabilities. 


Comprehensively advance the modernization of military theory, organizational structure, military personnel, and weaponry and equipment in step with the modernization of the country and basically complete the modernization of national defense and the military by 2035; and


Fully transform the people’s armed forces into world-class forces by the mid-21st century.


PLA recently has been urged to modernize theories, organization, weapons to reach its  2027 centennial goal.  ‘To achieve the goal, the Chinese military should accelerate the integrated development of mechanization, informatization and intelligentization, while boosting the speed of modernization in military theories, organizations, personnel and weapons and equipment’. Xi Jinping has exhorted his army 'not to fear death' and 'prepare to win wars' when addressing military commanders. Other  reports corroborate these statements.In addition, ever since May, Xi Jinping has been exhorting troops to be prepared for wars.  


What has changed in a year and a half that China has preponed its timelines by more than a decade? The Communist Party Central Committee says that China is still in a period of important ‘strategic opportunity’, as the world is ‘undergoing changes unseen in a century’. The White Paper spoke of the Strategic Opportunityperiod.  When the Wuhan Virus broke out, Xi Jinping stated the period of Strategic Opportunity was over. It appears to have re-opened.  China seems to sense that in case it has grab this opportunity, it must have a strong military ready at hand. In short Xi Jinping seems to taking China to war. 


Why ? With whom? When? Are these new goals for PLA realistic? What are the implications for India? These are some of the questions we need to answer. I might be off the mark in this  analysis which I have attempted from ‘square one’ but I do not think by much.    


Why do countries go to war? It is a fundamental question. There could be many reasons why countries fight with one another. However the main reasons for war between nations are 


Economic Gain.  A country could  aspire to take control of another country's wealth or force it into an economic bargain. 


Territorial Gain A country might decide that it needs more land, either for living space, agricultural use, or other purposes and start expanding forcibly. It could also be a territorial dispute it wants to settle by force. 


Religion/Ideology/Ethnicity. These  aphrodisiacs often lead to war and history is testimony to it.  


NationalismNationalism propels countries to war to prove ‘Who is the Boss’ through aggression. This often takes the form of an invasion.


Revenge. Punish, redress a grievance, or striking back is good cause for waging wars. It also relates to nationalism, to restore pride and spirit.


Defensive War. Countries could enter into a war to defend themselves  from aggression. 


Punitive Wars. Countries resort to aggression to teach adversaries a lesson through punition.

While many more reasons could lead to war, research indicates that 58% of wars are over ‘prestige’ or ‘standing’. Revenge accounts for 10%. Material aggrandizement  accounts for just 7%. The point to note is proving ‘Who is the Boss’  causes more than half the conflicts. Research also indicates that an authoritarian or totalitarian regime, status quo disruption, confidence in success, perception of opportunity, threat, or injustice, will to fight, and surprise are all good triggers or aggravators for war. 

Why should China go to war As the world is ‘undergoing changes unseen in a century’ China feels that it has stabilised,  is already in the post virus period and is in ideal position to make the best of instability all around. While it can gain economic ascendancy, it can only exploit the strategic opportunities and become the Boss through war or being prepared for it. Most  causes except religion and ethnicity fit China strategically. China exhibits a remarkable appetite for territorial expansion through salami slicing. In India, we are most familiar with it. Its major territorial ambitions are encapsulated in an article which propagates that China has to fight six inevitable wars this century - unification of Taiwan (2020–2025), recovery of  South China Sea Islands (2025–2030), recovery of  Southern Tibet (2035–2040), recover of Diaoyutai and the Ryukyus (2040–2045), unification of Outer Mongolia (2045–2050), recovery of territory seized by Russia (2055–2060). Protection and opening economic interests and overseas assets (including BRI)and resource security are good reasons it will fight for.  If ever its Communist Ideology is threatened it will go to war as it did during the Korean and Vietnam wars. Nationalism is huge- Han supremacy, Middle Kingdom mentality, Rejuvenation of the Chinese dream, Denial of their rightful place in the World Order, Superpower ambitions, diversion from internal problems  are all issues  to propel China to exhibit ‘ Who is the Boss’ attitude. Nationalism could be stoked to divert attention from internal issues.  China has undertaken Punitive war against Vietnam in the past. China also seeks revenge against what it considers as a century of humiliation. The  fact that the Communists instigated civil war for  a good part of this century and caused famines leading to about 40-50 million deaths is part of selective national amnesia. Every war/ conflict it has entered into is termed defensive.Viewed in an overall sense, modern China will never go into war with a single reason. It has to be a multiplicity of reasons to enable it vault to the strategic apex. The ultimate equation is ‘Who is the Boss’. The misadventure into Eastern Ladakh falls clearly in this category. 

When will China go to war? China and the CCP cannot afford a loss. It will never enter a war it cannot win or show as a win. China will wage war when it sees itself winning  at least cost. Hence. Chinese economy should be strong enough to prepare, and support the PLA in conflict as also withstand the post conflict consequences. PLA must be fully modernised and trained to be made capable of winning. There is a huge Xi Jinping factor. He wants to eventually exit as the greatest Chinese leader in history. He wants to see China as the reigning superpower in his lifetime - the  biggest player in the history of the world. That is only feasible if the PLA Is modern and strong enough to ward off threats. It could also be an issue related to his health. Afterall during the height of the Wuhan virus crisis, Xi Jinping went missing for a fortnight. It could also be with the thought that China should become a super power before it agesPut all these issues together. Bingo. Preponing PLA modernisation goal posts is the rabbit out of the hat. 

Who will it go to war with? China will hereafter go to war to realise its core interests or achieve its  strategic ambitions of showing ‘Who is the Boss’. In the evolving geostrategic situation,  China is most likely to go to war with USA, India or to annex Taiwan. The time for small fry actions like sinking Vietnamese fishing boats or coercing ASEAN is over.

China will never take on USA head on even when fully modernised. It will avoid a debilitating all out conflict. Any war with USA will be near its shores where it will have a decisive winning advantage. As PLA modernises, it might be emboldened to take on USA further away.  In any case it must be an indirect low threshold conflict. China will seek a tactical conflict to  accrue a strategic outcome. Ideally it will like to marginalise USA in the Indo Pacific theatre even without fighting. That model exists. It built the artificial Islands in the South China Sea when USA was busy twiddling thumbs. Any such action will be construed as a victory for the ‘Boss’.  

China will endeavour to teach India a lesson in a punitive war after Doklam and Eastern Ladakh. It will strive  to settle the border on its terms. Territorially, it covets Arunachal Pradesh. Economically, India must be coerced to open its markets. Simultaneously, Indian effort at self-sufficiency must be scotched lest it pose a threat to China’s economic supremacy. India being the weaker partner in the Indo US threat will have to be dealt with militarily in a conclusive manner. Most importantly, putting India in place means non-interference in CPEC and its reach into the warm waters of the Gulf. A head on confrontation of limited nature with clear outcomes is on the table.

If an emerging power like India is defeated and a declining power like USA is marginalised – Who is the Boss? QED.

Taiwan annexation will rejuvenate the Chinese nation after achieving the One China dream. Hence gobbling up Taiwan will remain high on the agenda. The strategic calculation will be that a polarised USA will be busy internally and hence will not be able to intervene in any Taiwan conflict. If adequate steps are taken to marginalise USA, in achieving the One China Dream – Who is the Boss?         

What is the reality check on PLA? It is one thing to prepone dates of modernisation and another thing to realise it. If PLA is to fully modernise in  seven years, the budgets will be huge. Will the Chinese economy, even if it is recovering well, be able to afford it? Needs to be seen. Even if can afford it,  can PLA be built into such a war machine?  Even production of an aircraft carrier from keel upwards will take up the seven years till 2027. How about induction, manning and training? The Chinese are up on technology but very far behind on terrain adaptation and human capital. The geostrategic construct has also changed. If it has to overcome India, it has to be in the Himalayas only.  Having locked horns with India in the Himalayas, it has come short. The situation is degenerating into an LOC like situation. Hence the PLA has to reorient its defence and modernisation plans significantly. Overall system entropy will not permit PLA to grow in every sphere. There is also a huge factor of unproven technology and untested weapons of war. Reliance on technology beyond a point in war, is fraught with problems. In the Gulf wars, missile failure rates were upward of 50%. Technology alone will not deliver on the battle field even in an era of multidomain wars. . 

The major problem of the PLA will be Human Capital or acute lack of it.  When Xi Jinping exhorts PLA 'not to fear death' and 'prepare to win wars' by training hard in realistic conditions, he has exposed its raw nerve. I do not see Mr Modi or Mr Biden asking their troops ‘not to fear death’. Sacrifice and death are part of the DNA of the professional armed forces of USA and INDIA. In PLA it is clearly not so. Very importantly, Eastern Ladakh has broken the halo of PLA being invincible and shown up its limitations. Chinese inability to absorb losses publicly is also low.  

There is a major social issue. China has lifted millions out of poverty and lifespans have increased. Additionally the pension system in China is very weak. There is resentment and anger in the country. The one child policy and weak pension policy has ensured that all old people with long lives must be dependents on their only children. This is now an irreversible phenomenon, at least in this century.  Who will send their sole bread earners to die in war? Six pensionless old people depend on one working child. If that conscripted child dies in war how will they survive?  When  Xi Jinping exhorts his army 'not to fear death', it indicates a huge hole in human capital. Winning wars, is at the end, a human endeavour with sagas of blood guts and glory. China might have also grown too used to comforts of life to fight wars under adverse conditions. That also explains the Global times propaganda about heated barracks, hot water for troops, oxygenation, drone supply, medical facilities , superior clothing et al. The quality of soldiers is totally suspect. 

This whole posturing by the CCP could be absolute external  propaganda while informing own population that they are going to be invincible. It seems to be a major ploy to stay in power. The reality check clearly indicates that the PLA will not modernise to the extent it says so.

What should India do? The major issue which should not be lost sight of is that the CCP and Xi Jinping make a lethal combination with unbridled ambition. India and USA stand in its path. They will do everything they can to undermine and destroy us. We should be aware of that. Do not underestimate China. India should therefore closely monitor the PLA’s progress in modernisation and Chinese political posturing to develop response strategies. Simultaneously it should progress its own modernisation on a time bound basis. While we do not have to compete with China, we cannot afford procrastination in modernising and integrating Armed Forces. A very major part of India’s response is to make China look inwards at Tibet, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia. That is our low cost – best effect option. It is beyond doubt that India should work with democracies to form security arrangements which will deter China from any misadventure. Very importantly, all this is possible only if we succeed in Atma Nirbhar Bharat after conclusively decoupling from China.   



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