Seventh Review:
Eighth Review. We are
now looking at a graded exit from the lockdown. Are we ahead? Yes Sir, we are.
The Corona is still panting to catch up. However as we exit from the safety of
the lockdowns, we will be exposed and hunted down by the Virus mercilessly if
we are not careful. Till now we had the government to herd us collectively into
a defensive huddle. Hereafter we will be on our own. The individual matters
more. The state can only enable and empower us. Beyond that it is up to us. The
lessons of history should not be ignored.
The enemy has not
mutated. However it has been studied a little bit more.
The Virus is very severe
on the elderly and those with life style diseases. A study was carried out in New York of
5700 infected patients who were admitted in hospitals. Median age was 63 years.
The most common comorbidities were hypertension (3026, 56.6%), obesity (1737,
41.7%), and diabetes (1808, 33.8%). Elderly people with lifestyle diseases
Asymptomatic Cases
The Submerged Iceberg. Asymptomatic
cases are submerged icebergs. New York Government randomly tested 7500 people
at grocery stores and shopping locations across 19 counties in 40 localities
using antibody testing. 13.9% of the New Yorkers tested positive. They might
have had Covid-19, according to preliminary results. New York population is 19.4
million. It means about 2.7 million New Yorkers might have had the virus and
recovered from it. This corroborates with the German study in Hinesberg, which
said that 15% of the
residents there have already experienced an infection or are currently infected.
( Even the CM of Maharashtra has said that many
recent cases in his state are asymptomatic.
Fatality. A positive aspect of the asymptomatic cases
is that, in the overall sense, the Virus is not that fatal. As of now we are
judging fatality based on the number of cases identified through testing. If
the unseen / unfathomable asymptomatic cases are also factored in, the fatality
rates will plummet.
Awareness. India needs to do a similar study to get a
correct picture. We need to know how many people are silently getting
infected, at what rate and where. Are we going towards herd immunity
automatically? We also need to be aware that the person whom we are interacting
with could be infected and be a carrier unknowingly. Most importantly, the
public needs to be aware of this. This is not getting due importance in our public communication to the common man.
Testing. In case we must get a handle on this Virus,
we must uncover the iceberg through widespread testing. We must come up
with an affordable and practical testing regime.
studies about immunity are educated guesses. If one is infected immunity
varying from 6-12 months is expected. No more.
has not flared as feared but the danger is lurking.
Second Wave
The way
the Chinese Virus is circulating, the second wave is almost a surety. How
it will manifest in the oncoming monsoons is an unknown factor which needs some
study in our context.
Severity in India
some strange reason, the disease has not affected Indians as much as feared.
Till last Sunday, of the 21632 active cases only 2.17% were admitted in ICU,
1.29% needed oxygen and only 0.36 % needed ventilator support. Only 80
ventilators have been used so far! ( The
availability of ventilators in India is far in excess at around 40000.
Current Status
current status of cases and the spread is in the graphic below. While the
overall numbers have increased, the number of recoveries (about 25%) are also increasing steadily. Most importantly, the healthcare system is nowhere near
being overwhelmed.
When our status is
compared internationally, we continue to hold steady as before either in terms
of number of positive cases or fatality. The graphics below are a clear
indicator of this continuing trend.
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Two articles caught my
attention. Both question India’s low death rate.
Julia Hollingsworth , CNN, reports that “Could
more people be dying than we know? And there's already evidence that some deaths
may be flying under the radar” ( ). Soutik Biswas, BBC , reports that “The other question is whether India is "missing"
Covid-19 deaths. Trying to get a count from funerals at crematoria and burial
grounds would be equally tricky. Many of India's dead are cremated in the open
in large swathes of the countryside. Funeral services cater only to a small
sliver of the population (BBC)…. India might be missing some deaths and not diagnosing
every patient correctly for Covid-19” ( Both
are motivated, ignorant, snide and condescendingly Western media
reports. I will only quote a Reuters
report , which I read from a Pakistani Paper - “While death rates in some countries have
risen sharply in recent weeks, in India the opposite seems to be happening, at
least in some places, leaving hospitals, funeral parlours and cremation sites
wondering what is going on…. In central Mumbai death rates have gone down by
21% in March. …deaths plummeted 67pc in Ahmedabad…… data from at least two
other cities… show a similar pattern…..” ( Grapes
seem to be sour for BBC and CNN.
While the overall
analysis for India is fine and cases are doubling in about 9-10 days, there is
a clear trend emerging when an analysis is based on the active cases in a state.
The active cases give the correct picture of what is happening and what needs
to be done.
Ascenders. In seven states the Virus is in the ascendance
mode. The table below gives the data.
The graphs for the total
cases (red) and the active cases(blue) is given for each state below. In these seven states most of the parameters
are on the rise. The total cases and active cases continue to rise. Maharashtra,
Gujrat and MP contribute to 70% of the deaths in the country and about 50% of the
cases. Worrisome. Worrisome. West Bengal and Bihar are fast risers. Potential
problems. These states have been ascending even during lockdown! Tells its own
story. India’s success in defeating the Virus revolves around how well these
states cope with the situation ahead. One can see extended lock downs in these
Descenders. Eight states are near
stabilization or in descent. The table below gives their data.
In these eight states,
the cases are increasing but the recoveries are also significant. As a result
the active cases are fattening out or in some cases decreasing. Though these states
seem to have things under control there are flutters. They need to redouble
their efforts. The equation between new cases and recoveries needs to swing
favorably. If not careful, things could get unstuck. These states will see alternate periods of lockdown and selective
opening. The states in the bottom half of this table are better placed than
those in the first half since they have low numbers.
Decliners. The table below gives the
states in which the Virus is on the decline. These decliner states have less
than 100 active cases overall. With a little effort they can snuff out the
Virus. They will be able to have enough open periods if they remain focused.
Recliners. The table below gives states
that have negligible number of cases. They are in a situation to clearly blank
out the Virus. With proper surveillance and monitoring, they will be
able to have large periods of open activity. Their efforts must be to prevent
expansion of footprint of the Virus.
LIines of Operations
Care. From now on the
individuals will start mattering more. How we behave individually will dictate
national outcome from now on. We might have to get into a fussy Brahminical
ethos. So be it. However the state matters quite a bit and should focus on
empowering the individuals. Individual care and consciousness to wear masks,
wash hands, maintaining social distancing and hygiene must be built in. In
India, this must be reinforced and brought about by a disciplined approach
since public consciousness is poor. Team effort is a difficult concept in crowded areas. Hence social campaigns must be extensive.
Zoning. The government has already
intimated the zoning criteria. The Red, Orange and Green zones are outlined below
Each state and district
will come out with their methods of ensuring permissible limits of movement and activity
in each zone. I will not second guess it. However many things are not clear. States/
Districts/tehsils/ wards need to be more communicative and clearer to people as
to what are the ‘do’s and don’ts’ in everyday life. Some issues which need
clarity are: -
Intercity/ district / area travel guidelines should be clearly disseminated.
Permissible economic activity and timings should be clear.
Containment areas and zones need to be clearly promulgated.
Crowd control must be focused upon in public places.
Surveillance and monitoring have to be continued and known to
Stigma. There seems to be societal
stigma developing about this Virus. As a result, one hears of people hesitating
to disclose their symptoms and attempting home cure. Nothing more stupid. Medical
evidence reveals that the faster one gets tested and is under medical care the
better the chances of recovery. Moreover recovered patients are the source for
Plasma therapy cure. There needs to be a social message at national level to
eradicate cultural stigmas.
Leadership. The leaders of this nation who
are at our doorstep for votes at election times are conspicuous by absence now. Where are all the MPs. MLAs and MLCs? They should be up and around to
reach out to people and provide leadership.
Testing. India needs to improve testing capability
to fight this virus in the long run. We need to develop indigenous solutions
instead of depending on faulty and substandard Chinses kits. When will we learn
our lessons? Unless we develop mass testing capability , we will not be able to
effectively handle this virus.
Water. With the approaching summer,
water problems will commence. The States must plan for water sensibly. In
cities like Chennai where water is at a premium, this assumes great importance.
How can we expect individuals to wash hand for 20 seconds when he does not have
water for even five seconds? Deserves thought for action.
Hygiene. Once
the lockdown is lifted, public hygiene will become a causality. This must be
strictly monitored.
Analysis. I
do not find any analysis and data on vulnerability of populations in various
areas. Unless we can carry out a data driven analysis, we cannot protect the
vulnerable and high-risk people. As of now talks of “Protecting the Aged
from the Young” is all on paper only. Need to give it practicality.
This virus will continue to behave
like a smoldering fire. If we are vigilant and aware it can be stamped out and
prevented from spreading. Even with great vigilance, we will have to fight out
eruptions occasionally. However if we are negligent it will erupt and engulf
us. Exiting from lockdown is great. However the dangers are also great. It should
not unnerve us. We need to fight ahead with resolve.
Another updated summary combined with a very good analysis which makes it an excellent referral document.
ReplyDeleteA clear thought process of the challenges to be addressed by a Citizen as well the Government have been excellently elicited.
ReplyDeleteThe necessary measures to contain/ eradicate the second wave to be strictly emphasized, ofcourse the Government should be the forerunner for this measure.
The 5 days curfew within curfew period given enough of room for the virus to gain the momentum to wide spread.
An excellent analysis of forewarning the people of the nation for future measures in positive direction.